Here you’ll find the privacy policy for Resin Flooring Ltd. This will explain to you how we collect and use personal information.
Your personal information
If you’re placing an order or making an enquiry, whether this is for a quotation or advice, you will have provided your name, email address, telephone or mobile details, and your address. This personal information we have collected will not be sold, traded, exchanged, or rented with any other third party for commercial or marketing reasons.
Protecting your data
According to the GDPR and the Data Protection Act of 1998, it is within your rights to request all the details of the personal information we collect about you. This will be with a written request and a small administration fee. We have many strict and secure procedures regarding how we store and disclose your information. This is to ensure there is no breach, or unauthorised access, in accordance with the GDPR and UK Data Protection legislation. If you think it’s possible that we have collected false or incomplete information about you, don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will ensure to correct any false information promptly.
The use of cookies
Cookies are used to track and analyse web traffic on certain websites. You have the option to opt out or decline cookies. However, the more analytics that is collected, the better website service we can provide. Cookies help us see which posts you visit most frequently, and which are less relevant. Cookies do not show any information about you other than these tracking analytics. Most web browsers currently automatically accept the use of cookies, but you can change these settings so that cookies are automatically declined. This, however, may affect how much of the website you can experience.
Linking to other websites
Whenever you click on a link that leads to an external site, this privacy policy does not cover how they handle your data. We provide external links so that you can find the most relevant and helpful information on the web. Yet, if you choose to visit an external website, BranddXXX is not responsible for protecting any information you provide while you visit that site. In order to be safer, you can always look at the privacy policy of the external website.
If there are any questions you have about our privacy policy, don’t hesitate to contact us either using our website contact form or by calling 01245 678920.
Updating our privacy policy
Our privacy policy is reviewed and updated regularly, and this webpage is subsequently changed frequently. The last time we updated this privacy policy was on DayXXX MonthXXX YearXXX.
Contact information
If you have any questions or queries about this privacy policy or about the information we collect about you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can send us a letter at Resin Flooring, AddressXXX, UK. You can also call us on 01234 567890, or email us at